I successfully overcame my morning urge to prepare my own coffee. I developed my ability to wait for one hour for the 1st sip of coffee prepared by my mom. I practice the following meditation below. You can also practice this with your tea or coffee. Breathe In - I am aware that I am sitting on my chair Breathe Out - I enjoy sitting Breathe In - I am aware of my whole body Breathe Out - I smile to my whole body Breathe In - I am aware of my intention of drinking my coffee Breathe Out - I smile at the coffee Breathe In - I feel how my hands are holding the coffee tumbler (cup) Breathe Out - I feel the warmth of the tumbler in my hands Breathe In - I am aware of how my hands bring the tumbler towards my mouth Breathe Out - I enjoy the smell of the coffee (freshly filtered decoction coffee) Breathe In - I feel the tumbler touching my lips Breathe Out - I feel and taste the coffee in my mouth Breathe In - I feel the coffee happily going down in my throat Breathe Out - I feel the coffee aroma at my nose tips as I breathe out Breathe In - I am aware of all the energies this coffee brings along - the sun, rain, lakes, rivers, soil, plantations, leaf pickers, coffee factory, packaging, transportation, local coffee shop fellow, milk vendor, coffee maker, my mom and me. Breathe Out - I enjoy this gift from the universe Breathe In - I enjoy my coffee Breathe Out - I smile to myself
Company Name - LIFE International Work Time - Always in the “NOW”, 24 hrs, 365 days for 100 years (No retirement) Job Description:- 1.Set a clear vision & purpose for your life 2.Achieve daily, monthly, quarterly & yearly targets to accrue happiness as profits 3.Maintain monthly Balance sheet of emotional accounts in life 4.Service the body regularly - Eat healthy food, sleep well, exercise daily 5.Train the mind to live in the “NOW” 6.Unburden emotional burdens regularly & avoid 7.Meditate daily to uplift company energy levels 8.Do one random acts of kindness as part of CSR activity Top 8 Skills Required: 1.Vision 2.Awareness 3.Acceptance 4.Compassion 5.Modesty 6.Economy 7.Peace & Happiness 8.Contentment CTC - 100% share holding - so keep all your profits (Management is not responsible for any damage or loss incurred during the tenure). Are you ready to work as the CEO of your own Life International? If NO, You may be interested to apply in our other companies like Un-Happiness Pvt Ltd., STRESS International, Loans & Debts Incorporation, ICU Services, Depression Unlimited & Angry Man. If YES, you are appointed right NOW!
Alan Cohen says “Imagine two lawyers in a courtroom inside your head. One is arguing for your possibilities and you achieving your goals. The other is arguing for your limits and why you don’t deserve what you want. Who will win? The lawyer whom you pay the most. The way you pay these lawyers, however, is not with money; it is with your attention”. Where your attention goes, your mind & energy flows there. Your mind plays a major role in holding your current attention. But your mind is always on an excursion mode. Mind keeps travelling between your past, future or to the fantasy world. Hence, your attention keeps wandering. Let’s test it now...Ask yourself what were you thinking few mins before - I am for sure your mind was thinking about any one issue/situation in any one of the three realms(past, future or fantasy). Training your mind to be in the present moment is the key for perennial source of happiness & health. It’s like riding your bicycle. By continuous microscopic adjustment of the cycle bar to the left or right, we travel straight in a cycle. Your mind will keep jumping, but it is your responsibility to tie to the present moment awareness. The simple way to bring to the present moment is to bring your awareness to the tip of your nose, feel the air going in and coming out. Can you take one nice deep mindful breath now? It’s FREE as of now!