Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Can you give these 4 gifts only to YOURSELF today

Our Intention is to be happy & peaceful,

But we lead a life In-Tension only.

Because we are always focused outward. 

We ignored our true self.

Today, let’s focus only on our own self.

Let’s Give ourselves the best gift possible.

Those GIVE realize true happiness.

Allow me to suggest 4 gifts for the day. You can pick and choose all the 4 or any one. The key is to take action.

1) Gift your Body with Restfulness - Take 10 minute body relaxation break every 90 mins. Get up from chair or seat, stretch yourself, go for a gentle walk.

2) Gift your Mind with Mindfulness - Whenever time permits, shift your focus to your feet touching the ground. Feel the heaviness of your body, feel the chillness onto your feet. With that focus, go for a small walk with around your work-spot. Mind will wander. Never mind, bring it back to your feet.

3) Gift your Emotions Statelessness - Once in a while check how you felt in the last one hour. Dump all your negative emotions by accepting people or situations which happened in the last one hour. 

4) Gift your Life Energy with more Awareness - Key to life is become more Aware of what’s happening within you and around you. Shift your focus to the tip of your nose, take a nice deep breath. Allow your breath to heighten your awareness.

No one can gift you the above. Only YOU can!

Your Life, Your day, Your Choice, Your Gift.

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