Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Art of Dying - 15 powerful ways to die faster

Warning: This post is not for weak hearts. Read at your own discretion.

I am going to share with you few easy ways to die. Many experts are already available. I am only compiling the facts. You are free to follow or ignore this..

1. Eating Junk foods and allow the tongue to control self

2. No physical exercise and not keeping this machine fit & flexible

3. Not Eating & sleeping at the same time

4. Watching TV & reading newspapers so that mind stays negative 95% of time

5. "I don't know what I want in my life" attitude/mindset

6. Do not invest 30 minutes daily for continuous learning

7. Believe that I will get some disease by 50 since my parents had

8. 24X7 think and run for money/survival

9. Develop guilt that you haven't spent time with kids & family

10. Leading daily life based on other people's opinion

11. Not letting go of past traumatic events and holding on to past incidents & worries of life

12. Not forgiving self & others

13. Not following any religious/spiritual practices

14. No time to meditate or pray for self

15. No time to contemplate on the creation/creator/god/who am I/what is life

Are you in the process of dying or in the process of living?

Choice is yours - You can choose to die like everyone else(95% crowd) or choose to live healthily & happily(5% crowd)!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

How to handle any discomfort in 30 seconds

Think about all your problems in life - almost all are due to the fear of discomfort - moving away from your comfort zone. Am I right! 

Eating vegetables for many people, for example, brings discomfort. So does sitting in meditation, or or saying No to people, or even exercising. (Of course, different people are uncomfortable with different things, but you get the idea.)

And most people don’t like discomfort. They run from it. 

So, How to become good with our discomfort?

Sit for 30 seconds in discomfort. If you’re averse to vegetables, try one green veggie today. Put it in your mouth, leave it there for 30 seconds. Don’t swallow. Keep chewing. Stay with the discomfort for 30 seconds. You probably won’t like it much, but that’s OK.

Practice being with your discomfort for 30 seconds and not more than that. Seek out for other discomforts and live that for just 30 seconds.

Magic happens once you learn to live for 30 seconds.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Just for Today

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

How to respond peacefully in 2015

1. Pause - When you notice yourself getting offended, frustrated, angry, irritated, disappointed … pause. Take few deep breaths.

2. Don’t act -Acting in anger is injurious to your own health. Procrastinate it.

3. Examine - the idea you have about how they should act. You are holding onto this idea, and it is in conflict with reality. Do not hold onto such fantasies, learn to let go of them. 

4. No Expectation -Throw your expectations into the ocean. Do not expect anything.

5. Smile - Accept the person in front of you, and yourself, as a flawed human.

6. Act with compassion - When you stop blaming the person for not acting perfectly, you can then respond appropriately, and with compassion. Accepting reality doesn’t mean you don’t take action — it just means you let go of the frustration. Instead, you can act appropriately, and be more cantered in your actions.

Stop reacting to people or situations; Start responding!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Are you ready to increase your happiness by 25% today?


I am going to share a simple idea to boost your happiness.

As your life proceeds today, you may encounter many people, situations or events which may be pleasant or unpleasant.

You may not like the quality of roads and complain about it.

You may not like the behavior exhibited by your friends, colleague or a stranger and feel upset over it.

You may not like the opinion or idea by your spouse and end up in an emotional fight.

You may not like this and that and that and this....this list can go on and on...

You have two choices at any point in time. You can either look for complains or look for good things in any situation.

Today, just for today, train your mind to look only for good things in any situation. When you find one, start appreciating the person or the situation for showing you this opportunity.

Appreciate everyone you meet, anything that uplifts you. Thank more people today. Let today be your best Appreciation Day. You become a great Giver of Thank you's today!

The more your appreciate, you will find yourself more happier. Research shows that people who appreciate and express gratitude towards other people or events are 25% more happier than others.

Remember, more happiness attracts more good people & more success in life.

Thank you for reading this article. You are Awesome!